أجهزة اختبار الأرض الأرضية
تُعد أجهزة اختبار التأريض من الأدوات المهمة المستخدمة لقياس مقاومة أنظمة التأريض لضمان سلامة وكفاءة التركيبات الكهربائية. تقوم هذه الأجهزة بتقييم قدرة نظام التأريض على تبديد تيارات الأعطال، مما يساعد على منع تلف المعدات والصدمات الكهربائية ومخاطر الحرائق. تعد أجهزة اختبار التأريض مثالية للاستخدام في البيئات الصناعية والتجارية والسكنية، حيث توفر قياسات دقيقة لكل من أنظمة التأريض ذات النقطة الواحدة والمتعددة النقاط. وهي مصممة لضمان الامتثال لمعايير السلامة ويستخدمها عادةً الكهربائيون والمهندسون وموظفو الصيانة لاختبار أقطاب التأريض والشبكات والقضبان، والتأكد من أن نظام التأريض يعمل بشكل صحيح.

Ground Earth Resistance Tester FT6041
The Earth Tester FT6041 is a versatile and robust device engineered to measure ground resistance and continuity in electrical systems. Ideal for ...
عرض التفاصيل الكاملة

The Earth Tester FT6031-50 is a high-precision, portable instrument designed for accurate ground resistance and continuity testing in a wide range ...
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Analog Earth Tester Hioki FT3151
The Analog Earth Tester FT3151 is a reliable instrument designed for accurately measuring ground resistance using either the two-pole or three-pole...
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Clamp On Earth Tester FT6380-50
The Clamp On Earth Tester FT6380-50 is an advanced, portable device designed for accurate ground resistance and leakage current measurements in mul...
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Earth Ground Tester Megabras MDT20KWR
The MDT20KWR Earth Ground Tester is a versatile, digital earth resistance testing device designed to measure earth resistances, soil resistivity, a...
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The MTD20KWR digital earth tester is designed for precise measurement of earth resistance and soil resistivity, suitable for residential, industria...
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Advanced Multifunction Installation Tester MACROTESTG3
The Advanced Multifunction Installation Tester MACROTESTG3 is a comprehensive device designed for professional installation safety testing. It supp...
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Hioki DC resistance meters measure a broad range of resistance values at a high level of precision. The RM3548 is a high-precision, portable resist...
عرض التفاصيل الكاملةT2100 is a professional clamp specially developed to evaluate resistance of earth rods with no need to disconnect any part of the system.The inner ...
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Multifunctional Earth Resistance & RCD Tester M73
M73 has been developed for operators who mainly work on private installations. M73 is very easy to use. It is very small in size and it carries out...
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M71 has been developed to measure earth resistance with 2 wires and 3 wires by voltammetric method in compliance with standard IEC/EN61557-1.This d...
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DL9062 Earth Resistance Tester
It is a good practice to check if two pole voltage detectors are functioning correctly on a known voltage source, both before and after they have u...
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