اكتشف أجهزة القياس الدقيقة من Hioki، والتي تشتهر بموثوقيتها وابتكارها. بدءًا من الاختبار الكهربائي وحتى تحليل الطاقة، تم تصميم منتجات Hioki لتلبية احتياجات المحترفين في مختلف الصناعات بدقة وأداء لا مثيل لهما.

Ground Earth Resistance Tester FT6041
The Earth Tester FT6041 is a versatile and robust device engineered to measure ground resistance and continuity in electrical systems. Ideal for ...
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The Earth Tester FT6031-50 is a high-precision, portable instrument designed for accurate ground resistance and continuity testing in a wide range ...
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Analog Earth Tester Hioki FT3151
The Analog Earth Tester FT3151 is a reliable instrument designed for accurately measuring ground resistance using either the two-pole or three-pole...
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Clamp On Earth Tester FT6380-50
The Clamp On Earth Tester FT6380-50 is an advanced, portable device designed for accurate ground resistance and leakage current measurements in mul...
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Hioki DC resistance meters measure a broad range of resistance values at a high level of precision. The RM3548 is a high-precision, portable resist...
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Hioki Battery Tester BT3554-52
Hioki portable battery testers support the maintenance of UPS and storage batteries critical to the life support of all businesses. The BT3554-50 b...
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Hioki Battery Tester BT3554-51
Hioki portable battery testers support the maintenance of UPS and storage batteries critical to the life support of all businesses. The BT3554-50 b...
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