أجهزة تحديد المواقع الراديوية
تُعد أجهزة تحديد المواقع اللاسلكية أدوات متقدمة مصممة للكشف الدقيق عن المرافق المدفونة ورسم خرائط لها، مثل الأنابيب والكابلات والبنية التحتية الأخرى تحت الأرض. تُستخدم هذه الأجهزة على نطاق واسع من قبل المتخصصين في البناء والمرافق والاتصالات، وتوفر أداءً دقيقًا وموثوقًا به لمنع التلف أثناء الحفر أو الصيانة. تُعرف أجهزة تحديد المواقع اللاسلكية بمتانتها وسهولة استخدامها وتقنيتها المتطورة، وهي ضرورية لضمان السلامة والكفاءة والدقة في تحديد موقع الأصول المدفونة في البيئات الحضرية والصناعية.
10A Digital Micro-ohmmeter MPK257
The MPK257 10A Digital Micro-ohmmeter is a high-precision, portable instrument designed for measuring very low resistances with accuracy. It is ide...
عرض التفاصيل الكاملة15 kV Digital Insulation Tester MD15KVR
The MD15KVR 15 kV Digital Insulation Tester is an advanced insulation resistance tester designed for accurate and reliable measurements of up to 15...
عرض التفاصيل الكاملةThe MO2Ke 1A Digital Miliohmmeter is a high-precision, microprocessor-controlled instrument designed for accurate measurement of low resistances in...
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IRT5010 digital insulation resistance tester, also known as megohm meter, mainly used for insulation resistance testing.It also has shockproof, dus...
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Cable & Pipe Locator RD7200 TX10
Locating and marking buried utilities quickly, accurately and safely. The new RD7200 is a no compromise all-industry locator, designed for accurat...
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Cable Avoidance Tool Radiodetection CAT4
Radiodetection’s C.A.T4 Cable Avoidance Tools designed to provide operators with locators that are both simple to operate and offer a range of opti...
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Cable Detector Radiodetection RD8200
Precision Locator Range Damage prevention and operational efficiency are the biggest challenges facing our customers . Solve these problems with...
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Cable Locator Radiodetection RD7200
The new RD7200 is a no compromise all-industry locator, designed for accurate and effective every day use. Locating and marking buried utilities...
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Radiodetection Cable Avoidance Tool CAT4+
The CAT4+ detector can detect signals that naturally radiate from metallic services along with depth measurement. This is typically underground pow...
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Radiodetection CAT4+ Genny4 Cable Locator Kit
Explore the latest range of Cable Avoidance Tool (C.A.T) and Signal Generators (Genny), pioneered by Radiodetection. C.A.T4® and Genny4® products p...
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Underground Cable Pipe Locator RD8200
Radiodetection RD8200 cable locator is an essential device used to detect and trace the paths of underground cables and utility lines, including po...
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