مقاييس سرعة الرياح ذات الريش
تُعد أجهزة قياس سرعة الرياح ذات الريشة أجهزة موثوقة تُستخدم لقياس سرعة الهواء وتدفقه في مجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات، بما في ذلك أنظمة التدفئة والتهوية وتكييف الهواء، والإعدادات الصناعية، ومراقبة البيئة. تتميز هذه الأجهزة بوجود ريشة دوارة، وتوفر قياسات دقيقة لسرعة الرياح وحركة الهواء، مما يجعلها ضرورية للفنيين والمهندسين لضمان التهوية المناسبة وأداء النظام وجودة الهواء.

Airflow Cones for Vane Anemometers Si K25
The Si-K25 Airflow Cones are precision-engineered accessories designed to enhance airflow measurement accuracy when paired with Ø 100 mm vane anemo...
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Airflow Cones for Vane Anemometers Si K85
The Si-K85 Airflow Cone is a high-performance accessory tailored for use with Ø 100 mm vane anemometers to deliver precise airflow measurements acr...
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Kimo LV111 Vane Probe Thermo-Anemometer
The Kimo LV 111 Vane Probe Thermo-Anemometer is a high-precision air velocity and temperature measuring instrument designed for HVAC, industrial ve...
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The Anemomaster™ Rotating Vane Anemometer – 6820 Series offers a range of highly accurate airflow measuring devices. Models include industrial grad...
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Thermo Anemometer with Vane Probe Kimo LV130
The Sauermann Kimo LV130 Thermo-Anemometer is a high-precision instrument designed for measuring air velocity, airflow, and temperature in various ...
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Thermo-Anemometer with integrated vane probe LV110
The LV110 Thermo-Anemometer with an integrated vane probe is a high-performance instrument designed for accurately measuring air velocity, airflow,...
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Vane Thermo Anemometer Kimo LV50
The LV50 Thermo-Anemometer with an integrated vane probe is a precise and reliable instrument designed for measuring air velocity and temperature i...
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The SI-VV3 Vane Thermo-Anemometer is a versatile and high-precision instrument designed for measuring air velocity, airflow, and temperature in va...
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